Navy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary

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The Navy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary (NMCTJ) is a joint Navy-Marine Corps activity led by a Chief Trial Judge who serves as Officer-in-Charge. Its mission is to provide certified military judges for Navy and Marine Corps general and special courts-martial and hearing officers for sanity hearings on confined prisoners. In addition, military judges sometimes serve as Article 32, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) preliminary hearing officers.

Principal Functions

NMCTJ is organized into ten judicial circuits staffed by active-duty military judges, and is supported by Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve Individual Mobilization Augmentees.

The number of active duty judges fluctuates around 27, depending on open positions. Due to the enormous responsibility for trials throughout the world, military judges spend much of their time traveling.

Rules of Court


The below contact information for individual judicial circuits provides a link to general information relative to dockets published by judicial circuits. Each docket is maintained locally and is subject to change without notice. Disclosure of information within any docket does not support or permit any inference adverse to any accused; all accused are presumed to be innocent. For inquiries regarding any particular court-martial, please contact the local Public Affairs Office.

Trial Docket

Official Correspondence

Any non-DoD entity desiring to quash an order, subpoena, or warrant should serve their motion to the Executive Assistant of the Chief Trial Judge at:

Phone Numbers:
Comm: (202) 685-5998 / 5893
DSN: 325-5998 / 5893

Media inquiries should be directed to:
Special Assistant, Public Affairs
Office of the Judge Advocate General
(571) 340-0928

Trial Judiciary Offices

Rules of Court for each Judicial Circuit may be found in the table below.

Judicial Circuit Principal Office Phone Number Normal Areas of Responsibility Rules of Court