Fiscal Operations (Fiscal Ops)


The principal mission of Fiscal Ops is to formulate and execute the Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG), Commander, Naval Legal Service Command (CNLSC), and Office of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC) budgets. The division also provides management and support in other resource-related areas.


  • Comptroller - Prompt recording of authorizations, commitments, and obligations in budgetary accounts. Prompt recording of assets, liabilities, and expenses in proprietary accounts. Ensuring compliance with the DOD Financial Management Regulation of commitments, obligations, accounts payable, unfilled customer orders, and accounts receivable, in addition to any DON-specific implementing guidance.
  • Audit and Internal Controls - Providing support to the JAG IG office for Internal Controls over Financial System/Reporting.
  • Timekeeping - Provides time and attendance and payroll support. Contact for additional support.
  • Fiscal Operations and Planning, Programming Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) - Requirements analysis and planning. Planning command’s requirements capability-based portfolio through the Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP). Ongoing plans developed, comparing funding levels against the estimated cost for requirements. Requirements Development, POM/SRB, and Program Reviews conduct comprehensive requirements studies and fact-finding analysis.

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