Training Resources
Professional Military Education (PME)
The PME program aims to expedite and enhance the professional development of initial tour judge advocates. PME is designed to provide an introductory overview of the U.S. Navy and the Navy JAG Corps’ mission, history, traditions, governance, organization, capabilities, and key legal topics.
Professional Development Standards (PDS)
All Navy judge advocates who graduated from the Basic Lawyer Course in June 2023 and after shall use the FY24 standards. Commanding Officers have the discretion to authorize this or the FY23 PDS for those judge advocates in their initial tours who graduated from BLC prior to June 2023.
Fiscal Year 2024 PDS - NJS Note 1503 (25 Jan 2024)
Fiscal Year 2023 PDS - NJS Note 1503 (18 Oct 2022)
Fiscal Year 2022 PDS - NJS Note (29 July 2021)
JAG Manual Investigations Handbook
The JAG Manual Investigations handbook is designed to assist commanding officers and investigating officers with the administrative investigation process. There is no substitute for a working knowledge of Chapter II of the JAGMAN; this handbook is not designed to replace reference to, and study of, the source document. Rather, this publication gives you a simplified "nuts and bolts" summary to initially orient your approach to the investigative process.
USN/USMC Commander’s Quick Reference Legal Handbook (QUICKMAN)
Currently under review...please direct inquiries to Mr. Christopher Forcino @
The QUICKMAN provides procedural information to assist commanders with legal matters within their command. While this guide serves as a useful tool to spot and develop solutions for legal issues, it is not a substitute for the informed advice of a judge advocate. This reference, like all reference material, is meant as a guide and is not, by itself, authoritative legal or regulatory information. Statutes and service regulations always supersede contradictory guidance that may be contained in this reference. Under all circumstances, commanders ‐ whether utilizing this guide or not ‐ are strongly urged to contact a judge advocate to seek personal guidance in handling all legal issues that may arise in the execution of command responsibilities.