News July 2017

Ms. Kazumi Takahara passes California Bar

July 28th, 2017

Vice Adm. James W. Crawford personally congratulated Ms. Kazumi Takahara for passing the California Bar on June 20, 2017. Takahara has been a valued employee of the Region Legal Service Office (RLSO) Japan for 15 years, and has provided invaluable guidance to the Legal Assistance department regarding immigration, naturalization, and Japanese law. Vice Adm. James W. Crawford personally congratulated Ms. Kazumi Takahara for passing the California Bar on June 20, …

Retirement Ceremony Honoring Master Chief Legalman Suzanne H. Burleigh

July 27th, 2017

“Put your hand in a bucket of water; that’s the Navy with you in it. Now, take your hand out of that bucket.  That’s the Navy without you; the Navy will be fine.”  “Put your hand in a bucket of water; that’s the Navy with you in it. Now, take your hand out of that bucket.  That’s the Navy without you; the Navy will be fine.” 

Capt. Michael Boock (Retired) …

Reflections on the RLSO Southeast Symposium

July 17th, 2017

CAPT Klein’s opening remarks set the tone for the RLSO Southeast Training Symposium, by reminding every attendee of our priorities: service, shipmate, self. Given that our region stretches from Guantanamo Bay to Fort Worth, TX, it is usually an uphill battle to get to know all our RLSO Southeast shipmates.   CAPT Klein’s opening remarks set the tone for the RLSO Southeast Training Symposium, by reminding every attendee of our priorities: …

USNA Legalman promoted under Navy's Meritorious Advancement Program

July 14th, 2017

Legalman 2nd Class Malisha Eley, U.S. Naval Academy Commandant Legalman, was advanced to Legalman 1st Class and pinned by Vice Adm. Ted Carter, the superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy, in a promotion ceremony July 5. Eley was one of three Sailors selected for advancement under the Inaugural Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) for U.S. Naval Academy. In 2015, MAP replaced the Command Advancement Program (CAP).  Legalman 2nd Class Malisha Eley, U.S. Naval Academy Commandant Legalman, was advanced …

Judge Advocate Presents Research at the University of Iceland

July 7th, 2017

Lt. Adam Smith, Region Legal Service Office EURAFSWA Detachment Rota, presented independent research at the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Iceland on May 29, 2017. Lt. Adam Smith, Region Legal Service Office EURAFSWA Detachment Rota, presented independent research at the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Iceland on May 29, 2017.

This seminar was hosted by the University of Iceland …