2022 Navy JAG Corps Summer Interns

2022 Navy JAG Corps Summer Interns

July 11th, 2022

The Navy JAG Corps is proud to host our 2022 summer interns! The Navy JAG Corps offers internships and externships to law students wishing to gain valuable legal experience, the opportunity for academic credit, and greater insight into life as a Navy judge advocate. Meet some of our summer interns.

Grace Allaman
University of Virginia
Chief of Naval Personnel

My favorite part of the internship so far has been the people. My office has been so welcoming, in everything from showing me the ropes at work to making sure I had transportation, food, and housing covered after moving to Arlington. I can tell the JAG Corps is a family that looks out for each other and values mentorship and teamwork. I am grateful to learn from such a passionate and caring group.

Taylor Allen
Southern University Law Center
Region Legal Service Office Naval District Washington

I applied to the Navy JAG Corps internship program to understand what the day-to-day life of a Navy JAG looks like. I began this internship with some knowledge about being a Naval officer, but I could not tell you much about the JAG Corps and what these attorneys do for Navy service members and their families on a daily basis. This summer I set my intentions on gaining hands-on experience working alongside current JAGs, and I have already worked on several different projects, including landlord-tenant disputes, recommendations against prosecution (RAP’s), and even briefing the CO and XO in a Murder Board.  I have also been able to undertake research topics in military justice and legal assistance.  Everyone that I’ve interacted with welcomed me since the day I started, answered any questions I had, and invited me to collaborate on insightful projects.  The positive relationships and camaraderie between everyone in the office is amazing, and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. 
Megan Anderson
University of Toledo College of Law
Region Legal Service Office Midwest

I applied for the Navy JAG Corps intern program because I had attended information sessions for both Army and Air Force JAG Corps at my law school to learn more about the JAG program. I was interested in the JAG program and this internship felt like the perfect way to see what daily life for a Navy JAG lawyer would look like. I also have the opportunity to get a better understanding of the Military Justice System and how it differs from the civilian justice system. I've really enjoyed getting to see what life in the Military looks like and all of the benefits of joining the JAG Corps after graduation. 
Brandon Barker
Ave Maria School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Southeast, Detachment Mayport
I applied for an internship with the Navy JAG Corps in order to experience and gain insight into the day-to-day life of a judge advocate, develop as a leader, and ultimately take the next steps towards becoming what I aspire to be, that is, a Navy judge advocate. I am incredibly thankful to have had the opportunity to intern alongside and develop professional relationships with other judge advocates who served as wonderful mentors. I hope to work alongside them one day in the JAG Corps.  

Joseph Bemis
University of California, Hastings College of the Law
Region Legal Service Office Northwest, Detachment Hawaii 

I applied to the Navy JAG internship because I wished to serve the public and the JAG Corps appealed to me as a way to do that. Further, experiencing the different available fields of law during my 1L summer has been invaluable. It has shown me the different paths I could take as a Navy JAG and the team oriented environment that surrounds it. This internship gave me the chance to see the day-to-day work of JAG attorneys firsthand and see how their work helps the Navy's overarching mission. My favorite summer experiences have included participating in command PT, playing on the RLSO's softball team, and the command hike to the Lanikai Pillbox. These activities showed me the work-life balance the Navy JAG Corps can offer.
Colton Boyden
Roger Williams University School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic
I applied for the Navy JAG Corps internship program to truly solidify my decision to join the Navy JAG Corps. The Navy has been a part of my life since the day I was born, and I have been striving towards the goal of joining its JAG Corps since my freshman year of my undergraduate studies, but I wanted to make sure the JAG Corps was really where I felt I was meant to be. Not only did the internship reinforce my decision to join the JAG Corps, but it also opened my eyes on the Navy legal system and how strikingly different it is from private practice. Unlike in private practice where the chase of “the next big win” fuels attorneys to compete against each other for their own self-enrichment, the Navy JAG Corps consists of a small tight-knit community of sailors all working towards the common goals of ensuring legal assistance is readily available, that the decision-makers of the Navy have the resources and advice to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and that justice is dealt when necessary. This mission of the Navy JAG Corps and the community of sailors that strive to achieve it are why I joined the internship program and why I hope to join the Navy JAG Corps.
Carolyn Carter
Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Southeast, Detachment Pensacola
I applied to the Navy JAG Corps internship program to get a first-hand look at what life as a JAG entails.  Litigation has always interested me and I have a strong desire to use my law degree to help people.  The JAG Corps is the perfect vehicle to do good for the country by using the skills and passions I have.  Not only is the JAG Corps a great opportunity for litigation experience, but it also provides the opportunity to employ other legal skills and specialties.  I am grateful for the opportunity to work in the RLSO’s Legal Assistance Office, Command Services department, and NETC this summer. These experiences and opportunities have allowed me to experience more of what the Navy JAG Corps offers to the sailors they serve. I applied for the internship program with the expectation that I would gain trial experience and have been grateful for the opportunity to see more aspects of the job with some of the kindest, smartest attorneys out there. 
Madison Cash
Duke University School of Law
Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
My favorite part of the Navy JAG Corps internship so far has been the vast amount of legal experience and responsibilities I have received.  I have been honored to attend and contribute to important meetings with Commanding Officers, sit in on Administrative Separation Proceedings, and collaborate on preparation for Boards of Inquiry.  In addition, I have been able to meaningfully contribute to my command's regulatory and compliance sector, updating a resource regularly used by our Environmental Law department and drafting a proposed instruction for our entire command.  I have also gotten the opportunity to tour a brig, attend specialized trainings, and attend court-martial. These hands-on opportunities mirror the active and demanding work of a Navy JAG and prepare me well for every kind of future legal employment. 
Sam Crowley
University of Kansas Law School

Office of the Judge Advocate General, General Litigation (Code 14)
My favorite part of the internship so far has been working closely with Navy JAGs day-to-day and having no shortage of opportunities to learn both actively and passively from them.  During my first week, I was able to get started on an assignment for a litigation report to help the Department of Justice write a motion for summary judgment.  I received clear instructions and resources for how to proceed and there is definitely an open-door policy for any and all questions.  My sponsors have gone above and beyond and offered opportunities to discuss their active cases and the steps they work through in each case.  Later on, I had the chance to draft an answer in a federal lawsuit, which was a unique and rewarding experience because in many of its cases, Code 14 does not file an answer and instead files a dispositive motion.  Outside of the office, I have been able to join with other JAGs for PT events, including a run along the National Mall.  My internship experience has been extremely fulfilling so far, and I am beyond excited because there's still over a month to go. 
Kathleen DeWitt
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic, Detachment Groton
My favorite part of the summer internship so far has been experiencing the relationship between standard legal work and military life.  It is fascinating to see how JAGs interact with commands and how vital JAGs are within the Navy.  Additionally, the versatility of JAGs practicing in areas of military justice, ethics, administrative law, and environmental law has been very interesting to work alongside.  My leadership has been outstanding and extremely welcoming; it has been an honor to work with both officers and enlisted members and learn their career paths. I have also greatly enjoyed our out-of-office trips to the Submarine Museum, and tour of the USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21). These trips have shown me the full picture of what becoming a JAG is really about – supporting our service members in the Navy so that they can support the people of the United States. 
Stephen Edgett
University at Buffalo School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic, Detachment Groton
I applied to the JAG Corps internship program because I wanted to see if the JAG Corps would be the right place for me to continue my legal career.  From what I have experienced throughout my time in Groton so far, I can confidently say that the JAG Corps is where I want to work after law school.  I have always been fascinated with the military and the law.  While looking for internships for the summer, I was trying to find one that would give me a unique experience.  Once I began reading about the JAG Corps and its mission to assist the Navy and its Sailors, I knew it was the place for me.  More broadly, I believe serving my country as a JAG is honorable and an opportunity that is second to none.  I am looking forward to the rest of my internship and I aspire to be a Navy JAG in the near future.
Aaron Ernst
Syracuse University College of Law
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Administrative Law (Code 13)
I applied for the Navy JAG internship because I wanted to gain insight into the life and work of a Navy Judge Advocate.  As a law student I have a desire to not only help those in need, but to also serve out country in its most critical of missions.  Family members from three prior generations enlisted in the Navy, and each were outstanding role models as I grew up.  The Navy JAG presents a unique opportunity to pursue both my desire to serve, and to work as a lawyer.  During the internship I have seen and experienced the amazing work Judge Advocates do.  The Judge Advocates work as a team and support each other with an unparalleled level of cohesiveness.  I feel more confident than ever in my choice to apply for the Navy JAG this coming fall.
Dakota Espinoza
UNT Dallas College of Law
Region Legal Service Office Northwest
The motto “not self but country” resonates with me.  Coming from an immigrant family and the first to attend law school, there is a passion and determination within me to be the best version of myself to better my community.  The Navy JAG Corps is an elite and challenging career route that I most admire.  I had long been interested in JAG and that dream came to fruition when I met my professor in law school who served proudly for 20 years.
George Frattara
University of Notre Dame Law School
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Administrative Law (Code 13)

My favorite part of the summer internship has been the people.  Members of the JAG Corps work hard to maintain a culture that values integrity, diversity, and accountability.  Code 13 has gone above and beyond to provide education, encouragement, and mentorship as we learn the inner workings of Administrative Law in the Navy.  In addition to gaining exposure to law and policy issues, I have also learned about Navy culture through professional development events, physical fitness activities, and visits to various offices throughout Washington, D.C.  I am honored to have the privilege of interning with the JAG Corps this summer and hope to join their efforts to provide excellent legal solutions to the Navy.
Jessica Greenman
University of Richmond School of Law
Defense Service Office Southeast
This summer, I was interested in learning about both criminal defense and life in the Navy.  I have enjoyed every day at DSO SE, and have had the opportunity to observe and assist with a variety of different matters.  During the first month of my internship, I did legal research for an evidentiary question ahead of a challenging special court-martial, at the conclusion of which the client was acquitted of all charges.  Every day at DSO brings novel and unique challenges, and I am proud of the work I am able to do in support of the Navy lawyers who take on those challenges.  I have learned a great deal in the short weeks I have been in Norfolk, and look forward to applying to serve in the Navy JAG Corps in the future.
Christian Griego
Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Europe, Africa, Central
I applied to the Navy JAG Corps internship program after having a conversation with a JAG.  He told me about helping to litigate a Courts-Martial two months into his first tour. As a young law student, I was amazed that new lawyers could have such an opportunity. That, combined with my family background in military and public service, piqued my interest in the JAG Corps. So I decided to give the Navy JAG internship a try, and since starting my internship in Naples, Italy, my interest has only grown.
Brittany Guempel
University of Richmond School of Law
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Admiralty and Claims (Code 15)
Purpose and service have always been driving motivations in my life and I see the Navy JAG Corps as the perfect embodiment of those two principles.  My experience interning with Navy JAG has only further validated that this career path would be the best use of my personal and professional skill sets while in service to my country.  I have found my time at the internship rewarding, eye-opening, and the optimal experience for a potential Judge Advocate.  I am truly appreciative to all the Judge Advocates who have been so willing to engage with the program.  From sharing their career experiences to sponsoring events that are uniquely Navy JAG, the current JAGs have created a variety of opportunities to build both my legal knowledge and personal abilities.  Could not have asked for a better internship experience!

Diamond Harris
Saint Louis University School of Law 
Defense Service Office North
What has been my favorite part of the internship so far has been participating in different events, most recently witnessing oral arguments at the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals and talking to the judge’s panel afterwards.  Having the opportunity to intern at DSO North has presented unique opportunities to experience aspects of the JAG community that I have not previously experienced as a prior Fleet Sailor. 
Peter Hunter
Regent University School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic
I applied for a summer internship with the Navy JAG Corps because I wanted a hands-on experience that would prepare me for a career in military justice after graduation. An invaluable part of this summer internship has been learning about the jurisdictional interplay between state, federal, and military courts and Supreme Court precedent affecting this area. Not only have I had the opportunity to observe highly skilled Judge Advocates litigate during courts-martial proceedings during my time at Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic, but I have also had unprecedented exposure to multiple different practice areas in a short period of time, such as command services. Within my first few days I was given meaningful assignments to aid the Staff Judge Advocate in handling real-word problems. Additionally, I was exposed to will drafting, estate planning, and other family law subjects while in the legal assistance department. This summer experience solidified my already strong desire to serve as a Navy Judge Advocate after graduation. I highly recommend this internship for anyone considering a career in military law.
Dylan Jarvis
Washington & Lee School of Law
Region Legal Service Southwest, Detachment Ventura
I have long aspired to pursue a career in some branch of public service.  While last summer I put my legal education to good use as an intern at Ventura County District Attorney's office, I wanted to explore other means of public service this summer.  I was familiar with the JAG Corps through the National Security Law Society at Washington & Lee and have had several family members speak highly of their service with the Navy.  I saw the Navy JAG intern program as an opportunity to familiarize myself with a distinct and distinguished avenue of public legal service. 
Gabi Kitmacher
University of Washington School of Law
Defense Service Office North
I applied to this internship to learn more about a career with the US Navy JAG Corps. Through this program, I have the opportunity to gain experience in criminal law—an area I’ve had an interest in throughout my academic career—and to learn from a great team of dedicated individuals. I’m excited to learn more about the day to day life of a Navy JAG officer!
Emily LaGreca
Widener University Commonwealth Law School
Commander, Navy Installations Command

I applied to the Navy JAG Corps Intern Program because the Navy JAG Corps is a career path that I am highly interested in pursuing post-graduation. That being said, I knew there was no better way to experience the life of a Navy JAG and truly gain hands-on experience with the work they do. This experience has challenged me intellectually while simultaneously enhancing both my professional and personal growth. I have aspired to work in an environment that is filled with individuals who respect their peers, want to serve as mentors, and help others become the best version of themselves. This summer has shown me that JAG is that type of environment. I have felt so welcomed and appreciated by everyone I have met - both in the CNIC and outside of it. I have grown each day and learned so much about the military, the legal system, and working as a team. 
Sierra Luther
Stetson University College of Law
Defense Service Office Southeast
I applied to the Navy JAG Corps Internship program because being a Navy JAG has been my career goal for a number of years at this point.  As someone who has dreamt of being a Navy JAG since I was in high school, the internship program was one of my hard set goals when I started law school.  I wanted to see was the JAG Corps is really all about and make sure that it is exactly what I want to do as a career choice.  Needless to say, I am very happy with my choice and honored to spend my summer working at NAS Jacksonville in the DSO.  I hope that one day I’ll have the honor to serve as a Navy JAG and use my experiences that I’ve had during this internship in my future career.
Gage Martin
University of Arkansas School of Law
Defense Service Office Southeast, Branch Office Pensacola
I applied to the Navy JAG internship because I wanted a look into the day to day life of a JAG officer. I have always dreamed of serving my country, so this experience of hands on legal work in the DSO is invaluable and helping sailors and officers has been an absolute honor. Further, the events I have attended are exhilarating and once in a lifetime opportunities. These events have ranged from watching the Blue Angels on the flight line, sitting in during Board of Inquiry proceedings, and even personally using virtual reality equipment to fly a T-34. These experiences have propelled my desire to serve in the Navy as a JAG officer. Lastly, the people I have had the pleasure of meeting are the best of the best. Every JAG officer at the Pensacola DSO SE office are as genuine and intelligent as it gets. This summer internship is an opportunity I’ll never forget and I look forward to continuing my journey with the Navy JAG Corps.
Andrew McGuiness
Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
U.S. Naval Academy
I applied for a Navy JAG Corps intern program to better understand the complexities and nuances of working as a JAG.  During my active duty tours as a Surface Warfare Officer, I found the JAG Corps could satisfy both my desire to serve with my passion for law.  As a JAG, I could be stationed in ports across the world and pursue various areas of law like International, Environmental, and National Security Law.  Specifically, I was most impressed by the strong camaraderie that is evident in the JAG Corps.
Tomas Montoya
University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law
Region Legal Service Office Southwest
Thus far, my favorite part of the internship has been CRCs (Case Review Committees) in the trial department.  It’s amazing to see many different minds come together and offer their perspectives on one case.  The creative solutions or advice on how to proceed with the case has certainly expanded my perspective and broadened the way I think about cases.  Because I still have a lot of time left in my internship, I am looking forward to experiencing what judge advocates do in Command Services.  Advising high level officers on legal matters of great importance seems like it will be both nerve-wracking yet exciting and rewarding. 
Chelsea Murphy
Roger Williams University School of Law
Naval Justice School 
I applied for the Internship Program because it is my dream to become a Navy JAG after I graduate from law school and I wanted to step in the shoes of what it would be like to be one, even if only for a summer.  I enlisted in the Navy Reserves in 2012 as a Builder and have continued to serve while attending law school.  Interning at the Naval Justice School has introduced me to the variety of legal issues a JAG may face on a day to day basis and allowed me to gain perspective on what the Basic Lawyer Course would entail if I am fortunate enough to attend someday.  I have also been able to observe a mock administrative separation board, draft motions, and teach the future paralegals of the Navy.  This summer has only solidified my dream to become a Navy JAG and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity.
Ryan O’Hara
Charleston School of Law
Region Legal Service Office Southeast, Detachment Pensacola
I applied for the Navy JAG Corps internship program because I have long had a desire to serve as an officer in the Navy JAG Corps. The ability to gain immediate experience in various fields while also getting the opportunity to serve my country and help others has been a major reason for my desire to serve in the Navy JAG Corps. Through this internship I have gotten to experience just that and gain a more in-depth look at the role and life of Navy JAG officers. It has been great getting to experience first-hand what a new JAG officer goes through during their first tour, by getting work experience this summer in trial, legal assistance, and command services. Also, the JAG officers I have been able to meet and work with have been incredibly welcoming and extremely informative. Getting to learn more about their experiences and knowledge of the JAG Corps and the military legal system has been incredible. My experience this summer has been amazing and has further solidified my desire to serve in the Navy JAG Corps and become a part of this team!
Ashley Peterson
Quinnipiac University School of Law
Region Legal Service Office, Detachment Groton
I am excited to learn what it means to be a JAG, including everything from the paperwork to how the entire office works together. Everyone has been so welcoming since my first day, and I cannot wait to learn from them. I am honored to be a part of their team, even if only for a short time!
Tahjaneke Roberts
Southern University Law Center 
Region Legal Service Office Southeast, Detachment New Orleans
I applied to the Navy JAG Corps internship program because I wanted to gain hands-on experience and see what it was like to be a Navy JAG.  Since I come from a military family, I was familiar with the program before coming to law school and figured this would be the perfect opportunity to experience things for myself.  Having a positive impact through the work I do is something I cherish and because of the mission of the Navy JAG I believed this would be a good fit for me!  Since I started the internship, I now have a clearer understanding of the program and I am excited to continue to learn more about everything that the Navy JAG has to offer.  It has been a meaningful experience and I have really enjoyed learning from JAGs at the New Orleans office. 
Evan Sadlon
University of Wisconsin Law School
Defense Service Office North, Detachment Great Lakes
I applied to the Navy JAG Corps intern program because it offers an incredible opportunity to get involved right away in the legal profession. The Navy JAG Corps provides their attorneys with litigation experience right from the beginning, which would allow me to have the impact in people's lives that I set out to achieve by applying to law school in the first place.  The dynamic and team-based atmosphere that exists in the Navy JAG Corps, especially in a command like DSO North, also demonstrates the type of place where I envision myself working. Coming from an athletic background, I love combining my skills with others to work for a common goal. The Navy JAG Corps is a place where confident individuals can succeed in a collaborative environment. 
Graham Smith
University of Southern California Gould School of Law
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Appellate Government (Code 46) 
This summer I hoped to learn as much as possible about the JAG Corps and the legal system within the Navy.  I have always been interested in pursuing a career with the JAG Corps, and I know there was no better way to learn about the JAG Corps than to spend time working alongside judge advocates.  I was also hoping that the JAG Corps would give me an opportunity to complete substantive legal work during my time as a summer intern.  After being assigned to Code 46, I was not disappointed. I have had the opportunity to help judge advocates hone their oral advocacy in moot courts, and I have been able to get real legal experience working on appellate briefs.  I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Navy and Marine officers in my office as well as my fellow interns.  I am incredibly excited for the weeks ahead and the work I will get to do.
Grace Sylvester
Suffolk University Law School
USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70)
As the first intern on a carrier in the JAG internship program, it has been an honor to experience first-hand the constant hustle of a JAG aboard the USS Carl Vinson.  With a full docket of Decision Review Boards, Executive Officer’s Inquiry, and Non-judicial Punishment every week, I have been able to get to know the entire chain on command from the sailors who have just joined the Navy, to the Commanding Officer himself.  In between meetings and notifications, I draft templates, memorandums, and complete research that will live on for every cycle of JAGs that come after, until the template needs to be changed again.  Every week brings at least twenty new cases with an offense that I have never seen before, and then another ten that had just been tried last week with another sailor.  I am most excited about a memorandum I am currently working on, that will be used in advocacy to the California state legislature.  The ship’s legal team is compassionate and personable and the ship life is something everyone should experience at least once, as it is like nothing else in the world.
Reagan Tremie
University of Houston Law Center 
Region Legal Service Office Southeast, Detachment New Orleans
Values such as integrity, selfless service, and loyalty are what I hope to demonstrate each day. When I found out about the U.S. Navy JAG Corps, I believed I could continue to uphold my foundational values and begin each day with a new challenge. I was ecstatic to be selected as a summer intern so that I could experience what it means to be a JAG! My summer experience has been so enlightening. Everyone has been willing to answer questions, provide as many learning opportunities as possible, and been a fantastic resource. While the community is spread out, the camaraderie and selflessness is never far away. I am grateful for the opportunity to assist in fulfilling the Mission! Choosing a career can be daunting, but my summer as an intern has brought more clarity and conviction to future decisions!
Wayne Tuckson
Indiana University Maurer School of Law  
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Admiralty and Claims (Code 15)
I have immensely enjoyed my summer internship with the Navy JAG Corps thus far. Having the opportunity to learn about and experience some of the many opportunities available to Navy JAGs has helped me gain a clearer understanding of how the JAG Corps works directly to support the U.S. Navy’s overall mission. Learning from the experienced judge advocates in my office has made every day both challenging and exciting, and I am truly grateful for their guidance. I look forward to learning all that I can throughout the rest of the summer and hope to have the honor of one day serving as a Navy Judge Advocate myself.