
Judge Advocate
Navy judge advocates are commissioned naval officers based throughout the world, ashore, and at sea who practice law, support the Navy and serve the Nation. The mission is critical to the success of military operations. The Navy is always in need of new legal talent to join its ranks and bring expertise and innovative thinking.

Legalmen possess knowledge and expertise regarding military and civilian legal systems and substantive and procedural law, which qualify them to perform the work of a legal nature under the supervision of an attorney.
Navy Reserve
In the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps Reserve, highly motivated people from all walks of life come together to find unrivaled training, undeniable purpose and uncommon adventure. Officers can make the most of their law degree. Navy Legalmen are relied upon for their intelligence and ability to work with little supervision. Learn more about what it means to serve in the Navy Reserve.
The Department of the Navy recruits talented people for a variety of occupations and responsibility levels throughout the world. In the JAG Corps, you may perform or supervise various legal duties in connection with functions such as hearings, appeals, litigation or advisory services. We also hire support staff to provide functions such as information technology and supply.