Region Legal Service Office Naval District Washington (RLSO NDW)

RLSO NDW and its branch offices are organized into departments and divisions that provide services in the functional areas of trial counsel, command services / administrative law, court reporting, ethics counseling, command administration and legal assistance.
RLSO NDW provides military justice and command services legal advice to area commands. Military justice advice includes matters that are prosecutorial in nature (i.e., related to the prosecution of a member of your command at court-martial). Command services advice encompasses any other legal issue confronting a command or unit that does not involve the prosecution of a member of the command. In essence, RLSO NDW serves as the law firm representing the command.
RLSO NDW also provides legal assistance services to active duty Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard service members and their dependents, reservists on active duty for 30 days or more, and retirees, as resources permit.
Area of Responsibility
RLSO NDW's area of responsibility includes the District of Columbia and neighboring municipalities located in Virginia and Maryland.
Command Services
Command Services provides advice in the following subject areas: Administrative Law, Admiralty, Administrative Separations and Processing, Disciplinary Options, Freedom of Expression and Grievances, Homeland Security, Interactions with Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies, Subpoenas, JAGMAN Investigations, Military Justice, Operational Law, Personnel Matters, Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics.
Legal Assistance
Legal assistance can include advice on topics such as consumer/financial affairs, disaster relief support and advice, family law, domestic violence, foreclosure advice and counseling, military naturalization and immigration, notary services, powers of attorney, landlord/tenant matters, Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act, small claims court matters, victim assistance, and wills/estate planning. Pre-deployment services are given priority. Please contact your local office to see how it can best meet your pre-deployment needs.
Please fill out the Client Intake Form before your first appointment. Also, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information on our services.
Special Power of Attorney kiosk located in the Washington Navy Yard food court (Building 22).
Legal Assistance Topics (Preventive Law Series)
Learn more about legal assistance topics that commonly affect military members such as consumer affairs, family law, wills, or powers of attorney. The information provided is for educational and general information purposes only. It is not legal advice. Speak with a licensed attorney before relying on the information contained within the website to make a decision or take any action.
Legal Assistance Preventive Law Series
Separation or Divorce (Dissolution/Annulment)
RLSO NDW Legal Assistance attorneys advise servicemembers, dependents, and retirees on separation and divorce in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
The Advocate
The Advocate is a newsletter published by RLSO NDW and will provide service members with frequently sought-after legal assistance information and updates on current hot topics.
Branch Offices & Detachments
2201 Army Pentagon
Room 5B1058A
Washington, DC 20310
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 0800-1500
Comm: (703) 571-3114
DSN: 671-3114
Fax: (703) 571-3113
Legal Assistance
Client Appointments, Notary Services, and Powers of Attorney are provided on an appointment-only basis. To schedule a legal assistance appointment, please call (703) 571-3114 or email
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
9045 Beale Road
Bldg 11, Ste 223
Bethesda, Maryland 20889
Comm: (301) 400-0182
DSN: 295-5580
Fax: (301) 295-5712
Hours: 0800 – 1500 Monday and Tuesday
Appointments: All services: Client Appointments, Notary Services, and Powers of Attorney are provided on an appointment-only basis. To schedule a legal assistance appointment, please call (301) 400-0182 or email
Special Power of Attorney kiosk located across from the Arrowhead Pharmacy
U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD
Limited Legal Assistance Services
Notary Services and Special Powers of Attorney are provided by appointment in Room 301 of Larson Hall. Please call (410) 293-1564 first to schedule an appointment. ALL OTHER Legal Assistance services are provided at the Washington Navy Yard and Bethesda legal assistance offices. To schedule an appointment with an attorney, please call (202) 685-5580. You may also request an appointment by email:
Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD
22268 Cedar Point Rd.
Bldg. 409, Suites 103 and 105
Patuxent River, MD 20670-1154
Comm: (301) 342-7510 / 1934
DSN: 342-7510 / 1934
Fax: (301) 342-1044
Limited Legal Assistance
Special Powers of Attorney are now available as a self-help service here. All eligible personnel should read through the informational section and click on the appropriate Power of Attorney option that fits the needed power. Each Power of Attorney will include both a civilian notary block and a military notary block. Members of Navy Federal may have any Power of Attorney drafted through the online system notarized at any Navy Federal banking location free of charge, or you may alternatively take the Power of Attorney to any civilian notary at your location.
Real Estate Powers of Attorney is a specialized Power of Attorney that require specific information to be placed in them and cannot be obtained from the self-service system. As such, please call (301) 342-7510 to discuss options.
Notary services are provided on an appointment-only basis. Please call (301) 342-7510. Appointments with a Legal Assistance attorney may be scheduled by email: