Legal Assistance Preventive Law - Pacific



22 May 2025: U.S. Embassy Outreach Event at Commander FLEACT Yokosuka, Admiralty Room, 2nd Deck of Officer's Club

Embassy services provided during this 22 May 2025 outreach event include applications for:

  1. Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBA) --> Click here for CRBA Checklist
  2. First-time Adult Tourist Passport --> Click here for First-Time Adult Tourist Passport Checklist
  3. Renewal of Minor Tourist Passport --> Click here for Renewal of Minor Tourist Passport Checklist
  4. I-130 Visa --> Click here for I-130 Visa Petition Checklist

Appointments for these services will be scheduled after completing an application screening. The screening process for CRBA and all tourist passport applications will start on Tuesday, 1 April from 1230-1530 on a walk-in basis. Make sure to bring all the required documents and copies listed on the application checklist.

To obtain an appointment for an I-130 Visa petition, the following steps are required:

  1. Attend a mandatory virtual I-130 seminar hosted by RLSO WESTPAC Yokosuka Legal Assistance Office. These I-130 seminars will be held every Thursday from 1300-1500 JST on 3, 10, 17, and 24 April, and on 1 and 8 May. Please email us at to receive the virtual seminar link. If you cannot attend the virtual seminar on the listed dates/time, please email us to coordinate an alternative option.
  2. Obtain an I-130 Visa petition screening appointment after attending the required virtual seminar. Make sure to bring all the required documents and copies listed on the I-130 Visa petition checklist.

**Note: Absent unique circumstances, in-person appointments to renew an adult passport will NOT be accept at this time during this event. The US Embassy encourages individuals to renew by mail with online payment. Renewal by mail can be completed using a military FPO/APO mailing address, and for more info, please see guidance at the US Embassy website: US Embassy Tokyo - Passport Renewal by Mail with Online Payment

Please contact us at or DSN: 315-243-8901 if you have any questions or concerns.


CFAY Feb 2025 Power Outage: How to File a Claim

The documents below provide relevant information on how to file: 1) a Claim for Loss of or Damage to Personal Property Incident to Service (DD Form 1842), and 2) List of Property and Claims Analysis Chart (DD Form 1844). Please use the sample claim packets as a reference when filling out the checklist, DD1842, and DD1844 forms.

Once you have completed these forms, email them directly to the Personnel Claims Unit Norfolk for processing and adjudication of your claim - see below. For status updates on your claim, contact the Personnel Claims Unit Norfolk.

Personnel Claims Unit Norfolk

9053 First Street Suite 102

Norfolk, VA 23511-3605


Toll Free (888) 897-8217; Fax (866) 782-7297;

Commercial (757) 440-6315; DSN 564-3310

UPDATED PCA Claims Packet/Forms (as of 27 Feb 2025)

Updated WITH Insurance Policy - SAMPLE Claim Packet (as of 28 Feb 2025)

Updated NO Insurance Policy - SAMPLE Claim Packet (as of 28 Feb 2025)

If you need to appoint a power-of-attorney (POA) for someone (e.g., a spouse) to file on your behalf, please email us for a custom special POA. We provide notary services on a walk-in basis Mon-Thu: 0800-1130, 1230-1600; and Fri: 0930-1400 - please bring your completed SPOA and two forms of valid photo ID to complete the notary service. *Note: if you are underway, your command may also have a qualified federal notary (e.g., a designated Legal Officer) who can assist with notary services while underway.

Interim Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) and Special Circumstance TLA (SC-TLA). TLA and SC-TLA have been authorized. For more information about TLA or SC-TLA claims, please visit the CFAY website at: CFAY Power Outage FEB2025 or reach out to the CFAY Housing Office at 243-9037 or 046-816-9037 or email: