Defense Service Office West (DSO West)

We provide the highest quality legal representation to military service members as efficiently as possible, consistent with our ethical obligation to represent our clients zealously. We represent service members at Administrative Separation Boards, Boards of Inquiry, and Courts-Martial, in addition to providing advice to service members on defense-related topics such as non-judicial punishment.
Defense Services
If you feel you may need legal defense advice, do not to discuss your case with anyone – including NCIS or other investigators – prior to consulting with a defense attorney.
Walk-in Procedure
Service members located near Naval Base San Diego, Naval Air Station Lemoore, Naval Base Kitsap, Naval Station Everett or Naval Air Station Whidbey Island can consult with defense counsel in person during "walk-in hours," which vary by location (see San Diego hours to the right and all other offices below). Walk-in clients will be required to complete a Navy Region Southwest or Navy Region Northwest request for services form and should bring any documents related to the reason for which they are seeking advice (e.g., NJP advisement/results, detachment for cause letter, or administrative separation notice).
Remote Appointment Procedure
Service members seeking a remote consultation, must scan and email a completed or request for services form, a copy of the front and back of their military identification card, and any documents related to the reason for which they are seeking advice (e.g., NJP advisement/results, detachment for cause letter, or administrative separation notice) via encrypted email or DoD Safe. Service members must be available between the hours of 0800-1100 Monday-Thursday to receive remote consultation services from attorneys.
Navy Region Southwest Office
Navy Region Southwest Request for Services Form. Please email the intake form to, if you DO NOT receive an email response within one business day please call 619-556-7539.
Navy Region Northwest Office
Navy Region Northwest Request for Services Form. Please email the intake form to, if you DO NOT receive an email response within one business day please call 360-476-2157.
Naval Air Station Lemoore Office
Naval Air Station Lemoore Request for Service Form. Please email the intake form to, if you DO NOT receive an email response within one business day please call 559-998-0769.
Command Requests for Counsel
Commands requesting defense counsel for administrative boards should send requests via encrypted email or DoD Safe to (Navy Region Southwest) or (Navy Region Northwest).
The format for a request for counsel is in DSOWESTINST 5800.1Q.
Branch Offices & Detachments
730 Enterprise Blvd, Wing Three
Naval Air Station Lemoore
365 S. Barclay St, Bldg 433
2000 West Marine Ave
Room 110, Naval Station Everett