Senior Leader Legal Course (SLLC)

The Senior Leader Legal Course is a three-day course designed to prepare O-5 and O-6 commanding officers, executive officers, and senior enlisted leaders/advisors (SEL/SEA) for the legal issues they will likely face as a command triad and team. Previously, the SLLC was called the Senior Officer Course (SOC). NJS has integrated the SOC with the Senior Enlisted Legal Course (SELC) to form the SLLC. The SELC will no longer be offered.

Senior enlisted should register for the SLLC to obtain legal training when detailed to a SEL/SEA billet. The topics covered include investigations, 31b rights, non-punitive measures, nonjudicial punishment, administrative separations, officer misconduct, government ethics, gifts, fundraising, military justice, sexual harassment, sexual assault, legal assistance, overseas legal issues, freedom of expression, political activities, religious accommodation, grievances/FOIA, civilian personnel law, and reserve personnel law.

For Navy students, if you do not include an email address in the registration notes on eNTRS, your quota will be denied 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the course and your seat will be given to someone else. You will receive a welcome email for the course 4-6 weeks prior to its start date.

Course Materials

The primary resource used in the SLLC is the USN/USMC Commander’s Quick Reference Legal Handbook (QUICKMAN). Students will be provided with personal copies of the QUICKMAN at check-in on the first day of the course (links to the QUICKMAN for virtual). Additional reference materials will also be provided via email at the outset of the course. This guide provides procedural information to assist commanders with legal matters within their command. While this guide serves as a useful tool to spot and develop solutions for legal issues, it is not a substitute for the informed advice of a judge advocate. This reference, like all reference material, is meant as a guide and is not, by itself, authoritative legal or regulatory information. Statutes and service regulations always supersede contradictory guidance that may be contained in this reference. Under all circumstances, commanders ‐ whether utilizing this guide or not ‐ are strongly urged to contact a judge advocate to seek personal guidance in handling all legal issues that may arise in execution of command responsibilities.

Course Schedule

SLLC is primarily conducted as an in-person course at NJS designed for attendance as an intermediate stop in the execution of attendees' PCS orders. The course generally commences on Tuesday morning and concludes on Thursday afternoon, with occasional exceptions due to holidays. For each day of the SLLC, instruction commences at 0800 and concludes by 1630. Attendance at all blocks of instruction is required in order to receive credit for completing the course. Class will not conclude before 1600 on the last day and then traffic usually leads to over an hour of transit from the base to the closest airport so we recommend you book your flights accordingly and consider pushing travel to the day after course completion if a late enough flight cannot be found.

FY24 Course Offerings

CDP 0258 In-person at Naval Justice School CDP 24M5 Virtual Worldwide
2402 10-12 Oct 23 2401 3-5 Oct 23
2403 31 Oct - 2 Nov 23 2404 7-9 Nov 2023
2405 12-14 Dec 23 2408 13-15 Feb 2024
2406 16-18 Jan 24 2413 30 Apr - 2 May 2024
2407 6-8 Feb 24 2416 11-13 Jun 2024
2409 20-22 Feb 24 2419 30 Jul - 1 Aug 24
2410 12-14 Mar 24
2411 2-4 Apr 24
2412 23-25 Apr 24
2414 14-16 May 24
2415 28-30 May 24
2417 17-20 Jun 24 (Mon, Tues, Thurs)
2418 23-25 Jul 24
2420 13-15 Aug 24
2421 3-5 Sep 24
2422 24-26 Sep 24

FY 25 Course Offerings

CDP 0258 In Person at the Naval Justice School CDP 24M5 Virtual worldwide
Course sequence number Course date Course sequence number Course date
2510 15-17 Oct 2024 2515 1-3 Oct 2024
2520 5-7 Nov 2024 2525 13-15 Nov 2024 (W-F)
2530 21-23 Jan 2025 2535 14-16 Jan 2025
2540 11-13 Feb 2025 2545 19-21 Feb 2025 (W-F)
2550 11-13 Mar 2025 2555 25-27 Mar 2025
2560 1-3 Apr 2025 2565 3-5 Jun 2025
2570 22-24 Apr 2025 2575 29-31 Jul 2025
2580 13-15 May 2025 2585 23-25 Sep 2025
2590 27-29 May 2025
25100 16-18 Jun 2025 (M-W)
25110 1-3 Jul 2025
25120 22-24 July 2025
25130 12-14 Aug 2025
25140 2-4 Sep 2025
25150 16-18 Sep 2025

Points of Contact

For inquiries regarding Navy course registration or logistics, please contact the NJS registrar’s office at Navy students should use eNTRS to request a quota. For Marine Corps registration, please contact Judge Advocate Division Education and Training at

For other inquiries, please contact the following:

LCDR Stacy Saxon, Fleet Leader Legal Training Program Manager, (401) 841-3800 x111 (no caller ID so please leave a message),

Capt Matt Sherman, Fleet Leader Legal Training Program Deputy Manager,

NJS Command Duty Officer at (401) 862-9373 (24-hour access mobile)