Administrative Law (Code 13)


The Administrative Law Division is a component of the Naval Civil Law Support Activity and reports to JAG via the Commanding Officer, Naval Civil Law Support Activity (AJAG Civil Law). The division advises Washington activities and field commands on law, policies, statutes and regulations pertaining to Department of Navy (DoN) administration.


Personnel Law (Branch 131)

Branch 131 is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and legal sufficiency of all records and actionable requests relating to the officer promotion process throughout the Navy and Marine Corps. This includes promotion selection and continuation board convening orders, precepts, records of proceedings, and nominations to the United States Senate, as well as a myriad of other documents requiring Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), or Presidential signature. In total, the personnel law branch processes approximately 700 packages per year. Branch 131 also provides legal opinions on a wide range of issues involving personnel law, such as draft executive orders, legislative proposals, and service regulations affecting the entire Department of the Navy (DON).

The Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics (Branch 132)

Branch 132 serves as the Ethics Counselors for OJAG headquarters. This includes providing ethics opinions on varied subjects, including gift acceptance; outside employment; political activities; post-government employment restrictions; support to non-federal entities; travel; use of government property, personnel, and assets; and use of military seals, logos, and insignia. Branch 132 assists Naval Justice School with training ethics counselors and judge advocates by teaching standards of conduct modules and preparing several informational “Ethics-grams” focused on current issues in the standards of conduct arena.  Branch 132 manages the Public Financial Disclosure System for the Navy flag wardroom and the Confidential Financial Disclosure System for personnel assigned to the headquarters organization. In addition, Branch 132 attorneys respond to approximately 1,500 field calls annually.

Legislation, Regulations, Freedom of Information Act / Privacy Act (FOIA / PA), and Disability Law (Branch 133)

Branch 133 coordinates OJAG review and comment on a myriad of legislative items and DoD and DoN regulations, directives, and instructions. Acting as the OJAG FOIA / PA Coordinator, the branch reviews, forwards, and/or responds to FOIA / PA requests and provides guidance and advice to commands on the release of information to the media and other requestors on numerous cases. The branch also processes disability appeals and combat-related disability certifications. Additionally, Branch 133 is responsible for reviewing and coordinating all DoN submissions for the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations.

Command Authority and Investigations (Branch 134)

Branch 134 advises the JAG on all matters of DoN organization and command authorities, including delegation of authority, command investigations, non-judicial punishment, and administrative separations. On behalf of the Secretary of the Navy both “complaints of wrong” filed against superiors (under Article 138 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Article 1150 of the U.S. Navy Regulations) and final appeals of formal complaints of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. In addition, Branch 134 reviews and provides comment on legislative and regulatory items that affect military members’ rights and benefits, and provides advisory opinions to the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR). Finally, Branch 134 provides headquarters-level legal offices with timely and relevant statutory and regulatory analysis on myriad legal issues.